Don’t be your own worst enemy in retirement

Retirement is a major life transition where emotional and behavioral biases can significantly impact investment decisions, often leading to fear-driven and irrational choices. By addressing common…

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Lynnwood Wealth Financial Advisors

Mastering Financial Peaks and Valleys: Lynnwood Wealth’s Expert Guidance

At Lynnwood Wealth, we believe that sophisticated advice can provide clarity even in life's simplest questions. With our expertise and personalised approach, we're here to help you make informed…

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Events that moved the market Q2 2024

2023 had a massive impact on the global and local markets. It started off with the change made for the Energy Department to oversee Eskom, followed by multiple changes in regulations throughout the…

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July 2024 Economic Review

China continued to experience economic hardship in the first half of 2024, but the economy is still growing. GDP rose in Q2 2024, although not at the targeted pace. The South African Reserve Bank…

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