
Discovering Ikigai: Finding Purpose and Fulfillment in Life with Lynnwood Wealth

At Lynnwood Wealth, we believe that discovering your Ikigai can be the key to unlocking a life of purpose, fulfillment, and financial serenity.

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March 2024 Economic Review

Positive global equity momentum carried into March, which was the fifth consecutive positive month for global stocks. South Africa was the best-performing of its major EM peers in March, clawing its…

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Monthly Market Highlights – March 2024

Interest rates in SA, the US, UK, Eurozone and China remain steady. The Bank of Japan has ended eight years of maintaining negative interest rates. The South African economy grew by a minimal 0.1% in…

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Fund selection: When to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em

Market conditions are subject to constant change, influenced by global economic trends, geopolitical events, investor speculation and unforeseen crises. These factors influence fund performance.

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